Search results for category Management course|ProSeeds e-learning

Management course
Search results for category Management course

Search results for category Management course

Search results for category "Management course":29

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Management course

New performance review series: Focusing on individuals for better personalised performance

Improving primary reviewers’ communication skills and the ability to assess employees’ performance is a priority issue. Through dramatised case studies and informative lectures, this series helps participants acquire practical skills for assessing employees based on competence and achievements.


Management course

Accounting: Business understood from financial statements

Participants will learn accounting, how to read financial statements, and analytical approaches from three perspectives: overview of financial statements, key accounting principles, and financial analysis.


Business skill course,Management course

Marketing to create a selling model

This course explains the marketing knowledge and skills necessary to interpret the current market environment as well as plan and propose new products and services that increase customer satisfaction.


Business skill course,Management course

Logical thinking to accelerate problem solving

This course explains the basic skills of logical thinking and how to apply them as a problem-solving technique and a communicative skill in actual business practice.


Business skill course,Management course

Business management for surviving through the ages

This course provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the framework for building strategies to drive business based on analysis of the business environment surrounding the company and a carefully mapped-out course of business.


Management course

New performance review series: Interview techniques

Performance review interviews offer opportunities for the manager and members to discuss performance evaluation and challenges for the future. This course equips participants with a procedure for conducting constructive interviews and the specific communication skills for dialogue.

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e-learning courses