Sunlady’s Co., Ltd.| Case Studies|ProSeeds e-learning

Case Studies
Home Case Studies Sunlady’s Co., Ltd.

Challenge and Solution

Sunlady’s Co., Ltd.


Challenge and Solution


Specializing in temporary staffing services, Sunlady's Co., Ltd. is an employment services expert offering comprehensive personnel solutions, including personnel placement and outsourcing.

When the company started using an in-house e-learning program to help its employees learn about relevant laws, such as the Worker Dispatch Law and Labor Standards Act, so they could match registered workers with employers, it implemented our learning management system (LMS) for its program.

Learning Management System (LMS) Content development service Ready-made content
Using Not using Not using

Professional staff provide support through consultations on the service fees and utilisation methods. Feel free to approach us if you have any enquiries or clarifications.

Case Studies