Easy login with usual ID by SSO

Learning Management System (LMS)
covers your needs from e-learning to group training


Perfect for any team, division, or organisation. LearningWare also supports training businesses.

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over 700,0000 users
Home LMS (Learning Management System) Feature of our LMS "Learning Ware" SSO Login

Easy login with usual ID by SSO

SSO integration make it easy to log in

It eliminates the annoyance of logging in every time, and provides an environment that is easy to use and easy to learn.

LMS, which we introduced with great care, is meaningless when it is no longer used.
Even for persons in charge promoting the introduction, linking the existing system and login authentication is an essential requirement for improving usage record and learning effect.

Since Learning Ware is equipped with a single sign-on function* as standard, it is easy to log in from an existing system.

*What single sign-on (SSO) system is?
Single sign-on system enables the users to log in our system with an existing account used to log in the other system. The users can log in easily, by integrating between the existing system and our LMS.

Professional staff provide support through consultations on the service fees and utilisation methods. Feel free to approach us if you have any enquiries or clarifications.

